

A 联邦佩尔助学金 is a need-based grant awarded to eligible undergraduate students who complete a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).

  • 资格


    • 必须已经获得学士学位或更高
    • Must NOT have received a 联邦佩尔助学金 for more than six years or the equivalent of 12 semesters at full-time enrollment.
    • 一定是在制造 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP)
    • 必须有资格证书 预期家庭贡献(EFC) 由你的FAFSA决定.


  • EFC

    The 预期家庭贡献(EFC) is calculated based on your FAFSA data and will determine how much need based aid you qualify for. 联邦佩尔助学金的授予是基于每年公布的EFC资格范围.


     0 – 6656  合格的佩尔助学金 4400以上的EFCs要求6小时以上的注册 
    EFCs 6400以上要求12+入学
     6657或以上  不符合佩尔助学金资格  


  • 联邦佩尔助学金在夏季颁发给符合条件的学生. 资格将根据您的秋季/春季佩尔奖和您的夏季入学情况而有所不同. 



    • If you have earned your full 联邦佩尔助学金 for the fall and spring (earned Pell for 12 hours in fall and in spring), 你可能仍然有资格在夏天获得额外的佩尔,也就是全年佩尔. 要符合资格,您必须保持至少6个学分的注册.
    • 全年Pell将支付夏季入学12个学分的全部奖励金额, 并且按比例(减少)支付6-11小时的夏季入学费用. 





    • 如果你没有获得秋季和春季的全部联邦佩尔助学金, 你可能有资格在夏天获得额外的佩尔,也就是残余佩尔. Student’s eligible summer award will be based on how much Pell was left unused from the fall and spring.
    • 剩余的佩尔将支付12个学分的夏季入学全额奖励金额, 并且按比例(减少)的金额为1-11小时的夏季入学.




联邦佩尔助学金s do not have to be repaid unless there is a decrease in enrollment after receiving the funds. 因退学而导致的入学人数减少, 被撤销, or dropping classes might result in having to pay a portion or all of the 联邦佩尔助学金 back.

如果我被要求偿还联邦佩尔基金由于入学人数减少, 我还能获得其他类型的援助吗?

不,必须偿还联邦佩尔助学金才能继续获得经济援助. 这包括未来的联邦佩尔助学金、联邦直接贷款和勤工俭学.


No, the Title IV Consolidation Appropriation Act of 2012 limits 联邦佩尔助学金 payments to six (6) years of full-time enrollment. 超过这个期限的学生将不再获得联邦佩尔助学金, 但可以申请联邦直接贷款, 勤工助学, 或其他州助学金或奖学金. 


The total award in your ACES Award Summary will be divided and issued between the Fall and Spring semesters.
例子:一个学生获得了5美元的奖励,600美元的联邦佩尔助学金最多可获得2美元,秋天800美元,春天800美元, depending on the "official" number of hours in which the student is 登记 on the census date.


把你一年的奖金分成两半, the maximum amount you are eligible to receive for the semester is based upon full-time (12 hours) enrollment. 如果你在12小时内注册, the amount of Pell Grant paid will be prorated to match the actual hours for which you are 登记 at the time of credit to your account, 直到人口普查日期.
例:有资格获得2美元联邦佩尔助学金的学生,800 for the semester but enrolls in only six (6) hours will have the amount decreased to a total award payment of $1,400. 联邦佩尔助学金在9-11小时的入学期间逐步减少, 6 - 8小时, 1-5小时.



The 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG) is a need-based grant awarded to eligible undergraduate students who have been awarded a 联邦佩尔助学金 and have maximum financial need. 基金采用先到先得的原则.




德州公共教育补助金(TPEG) 每个学院的资源是否提供了基于需求的补助金. 优先考虑很少或没有联邦佩尔助学金资格的学生, 而且资金是先到先得, 标间.
德州居民可获得资金, 州外, 外国学生每年的学费在200- 2000美元之间. 




The Texas Public Education Grant for 继续教育 (TPEG-CE) is a need-based grant designed to help Texas resident students cover tuition and fees for career or occupational-related courses. 资金是先到先得, 先得先得,不包括图书费用, 材料, 工具或任何其他用品.


如果学生在TPEG-CE奖励被批准之前注册课程, 他们必须在注册时设置自付或第三方支付.


  • 只接受现时已注册课程的申请. 完成的课程不获发还款项.
  • 学生必须支付TPEG-CE未涵盖的任何学杂费.



The 德州教育机会补助金)是由德克萨斯州资助的一项基于需求的拨款, awarded to students 登记 at Texas public two-year colleges like the 澳门新葡京博彩区. 

  • 初始Eligbility


    The forms below must be completed no later than 45 days after receiving the initial TEOG offer notification to their ACES email:

    • 国家财政援助资格表: Student will self certify whether they have been convicted of any felony; or any offense involving a controlled substance. Student will also self certify whether they are more than 30 days late in making a child support payment. 
    • 选择性服务登记状态声明:学生将自行证明他们已登记为选择性服务或豁免. 





学生 who meet the renewal requirements each year may continue to receive TEOG until one of the following events occurs first:

  • 学生在获得第一个奖项后的最长时间内达到四年
  • 学生达到75个大学学分
  • 学生获得副学士学位 

No, financial aid is offered based upon the expectation of full-time enrollment in 12 credit hours. TEOG将按比例分配, 或者根据百分比重新计算, 如果你在6-11学分之间注册. 


全职 3/4的时间 半场
12个小时 9 - 11个小时 6 - 8小时 
原报价的100% 原报价的75% 原报价的50%

Yes, students awarded TEOG for the first-time at the 澳门新葡京博彩区 must accept their award on ACES within 45 days. An email notification will be sent to your Alamo email address once you have been awarded to ensure you don't miss your opportunity to accept. 



是的,学生可以提交困难申诉,以重新获得他们的TEOG奖. 这些上诉将逐案审查. A student who is currently ineligible for a TEOG based on the following eligibility criteria will be considered:

  • GPA或完成率低于SAP要求.
  • 入学时间少于6个学时.
  • 尝试75个或以上学分.
  • 达到了最长4年的限制.